Never underestimate the ingenuity and drive of entrepreneurs when faced with a crisis or the need to “make lemonade” – and find new ways to sell it.
When the COVID-19 pandemic swept through Georgia and the nation this year, it left not just sickness but economic devastation in its wake. Stores, restaurants, and schools were forced to close, and office buildings emptied out as those who could, worked from home. Click here to continue reading.
Georgia Connector received so many wonderful entries in our 8th Annual Summer Photo Contest. We know this may not have been your typical summer, but one thing is for sure– many special long-lasting memories were made. Click here to view the winners.
Betsy Ross created a masterpiece: our glorious flag, a stunning assemblage of red, white and blue fabric skillfully sewn together. Almost like she intended it to be a model, it has been continuously duplicated and interpreted, but few compare with the reverential majesty of the flags constructed by one Georgia artist.
Ab the Flagman, as he’s popularly known, was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, as Roger Ivens. When he was seven, his dad, a military man, died and was honored with a soldier’s graveside service. The flag that draped the coffin ignited a creative spark that would lead to a career of constructing flags Betsy Ross would likely admire. Continue reading here.
What do the 1996 Olympics, a Celine Deon concert and sheep have in common?
According to Kristy Curtis, executive director of tourism for Oconee County Tourism and Visitors Bureau, they all have played an important role in who she is today. Whether it was pursuing a dream, checking off a milestone, or learning resolve and responsibility, Curtis employs all these successes as a foundation for bolstering Oconee County’s image to visitors. Click here to continue reading this Q & A.