Bulgarian-born American artist Ross Rossin has lovingly embraced his new home country of the United States. When he received his U.S. citizenship 20 years ago, this passion led him to create the first of three large mural-sized paintings depicting the American Presidents of the twentieth century. Click here to continue reading.
According to the Center for Disease Control, the 1918 influenza pandemic spread worldwide, infecting over 500 million people. An estimated 675,000 deaths occurred in the United States, with most succumbing in the 20-40 year age group. With no tests or vaccines available at that time, personal care, quarantine, and masks were all used to decrease the spread. To continue reading click here.
For most Walton County businesses, the owners can’t remember a time when the Walton County Chamber of Commerce was not led by the home-town girl. For nearly three decades, Teri Smiley has championed the small and big business cause in order to allow the county to thrive.
Over the years, she’s seen businesses come and go. She’s witnessed good times and bad, and through it all, she has remained the one constant to local businesses and is still very passionate about her community. Click here to continue reading.